At that day after last weekend I went to Batam trip with cell group I met up with my cell group leader simply saying farewell to his cell group as he had given me the blessing to left his cell group. That trip to batam was not very enjoyable even they had put an effort of organising about 33 people in a group to go together with a tour guide. Even thought it was quite costly, the foods are not really our taste and we are an expert to waste the whole food on the table even we are a believer of Jesus Christ to let everyone see. The clothes also like not so nice and my family said this are of a poor made come here and sell.

End of last year in 2011, I attended the church membership class and was accepted to be a member. The reason why I sign up as a member as I last time want to join the church choir like praise light so I call up the church and the staff told me I need to become a member of this church in order to arrange for me to go audition. After I was a church member, I call the church and the staff will arrange a pastor to speak to me. So I met up the pastor in church and he said I cannot join the choir due to my voice does not blend in well to sing in tune without even arranging an audition. Plus the batam trip I was quite disappointed then I resign from this church membership and left to look for another church to worship.