Month: December 2014

New vision for year 2015 three prayer request card

This link as above refers to my this current year three prayer request.  Only the first one answered which is found a job. The rest of the two not answered.

For the second request, even I found a friends who like to go out with me for a simple meal or movie like fortnightly once since June this year, but we are not yet going into stable relationship. Seems like I do not want to married soon, getting more freedom is better for me even parents wants me to get married. Even I getting old, I should be in old folk home not easy feel lonely till death as I normally a lonely person doing lonely hobbies. If going to marry, a lot of commitment, then naturally we will have family even more commitment as even compare to still single we face the same chances of getting ill also which I believe.

For the third one not answered, I am not recovered from mental illness, getting lesser to exercise as I finish all my personal training sessions in gym to rely on personal training too much. If I have no personal trainer, cannot be able to exercise on my own regularly. Medication dosage is increased double and a new medicine to take maybe doctor thinking I will be more stable in this way.

Below is my new three prayer request for new year, hopefully it is not too hard to be answered to be easier not like this year.


Someone comment on my classical singing in new creation church 2012 audition

If you want to see a previous of this posting, can refer to

I have edit a bit of his comment as he request not to give out too much info, Not in favor of washing dirty laundry in public, he think NCC music ministry just need someone new to steer.

He said why not, can share so I will share it here.

Hello Thomas… I read your post on New Creation Church classical singers. I have been in the Music Ministry since around the same time in 2012, and I understand you frustration.

New Creation has over 30,000 members and have the luxury of just picking the best (who impress the staff) and use them. There are no regular practices, no real fellowship, no direction, and everyone is used as a tool, as and when…. sadly it is.

I participated in some musical. It was a complete mess and everyone was playing their own. The electronics keyboard superceded everything. As a classically trained violinist ( I got my LRSM at 16, and joined SYO from 13-16, also played in SSO for a very short while… I just play for fun since university days… I run corporate management now and violin is just for fun)… I think the music ministry has no real talents. Just rojak mixed together now and then, and focus is not to really form a classical worship team BUT want a classical image.

This year I quit after a few practices as the performance is done on a dangerous elevated platform. I did not volunteer to commit suicide. hahaha…

Working in music field is full of funny people, so I am glad I did not go down that path. Also very jialart to make a living in SG. Just relax and thrust in Jesus. Have a Blessed Christmas!

ABRSM Grade 4 piano exam pieces 2013/2014 sun is setting played on Digital Piano Roland F130R

This piano cost me one thousand eight hundred Singapore dollars exclude bench 50 bucks and USB camera connectivity for lighting cable 40 bucks. I recently sold away my Petrof P131 upright grand piano as moved house find too noisy to play at higher grade.

Here is the MP3 file For you to listen and enjoy

Refer to this link for my piano upright grand sold away video recording. Petrof P131