Author: admin

I not welcome to go any churches in Singapore from past till now.

I did feedback to them about this issue quite a few years ago some cinema venue got too many people come very early to reserve seats, can be one person reserve seats like whole row, at least a few seats not just one or two, the crowd will start to stream in for services like started 5 to 10 minutes ago to get the reserved seat but in the end it become more worst now. I do not think people can really reserve the seat just like that, since the cinema hall is very small, less then 100 seats, some cinema had bigger halls at most 200 to 300 seats. If people need to reserve seats, can go bigger place like main church building or bigger venues as cinema hall is really too small to do that. I understand that church main building security had put too many restriction on security, hence people no choice got to go other places like cinema venue. When I go church man building for services some time ago in the past, all people had to do bags check, they do not have x ray machines and metal detectors. So a poor old man carry a big bag full of clothes were asked to do security check, he take out most of the clothes in his bag and put back after done security check, me just a small bag also check. I find that this could be invade privacy and causing inconveniences to many people also.

Last week Sunday 17 Jun 2018 I was here early for service about 1120am.
Something not right is happening which is my first time in my life go to church.
Since it is also a father day,
the Asher told one person, no sound, the person left the place not attending church service.
the Asher told a couple, no picture, the couple left the place not attending church service.
the Asher told a family, no sound and picture, the family left the place not attending church service.
Of course I unhappy about it, but anyway if I cannot enter church services, I prepared to stay outside till services end or go inside no sound and picture.
So I went in, they just stop me for security check, I put my bag down, take out my music books, music folders, tablet so that they can do security check easier. But they did not even want to come near me to see all my stuffs at the tablet, also even to take a look at my bag, asked just pack up and leave.
I pack up and go to church services, I thinking, what a Hell saying loudly. I mean if you want to check just check, if not then no need to ask me do security check.
I went in to the services, was shocked that got sound and picture working perfectly till the end of services.

As of just now Sun 24 Jun 2018 I come 1120am to join the que outside. The Asher told me is full, I told him inside is not full as there is a lot of reserved seat and many people without reserve seat also just went in without join que to try luck if there is seat. So I waited from 1130am, ten minutes later Asher come out keep telling people no seats, but I do not see any pastor in charge come out and say in official way. I waited till 1319pm saw a large crowd coming out so the services end.
So I look at the photo taken, thinking like there are full of people need Jesus since I saw the word there FULL in the entrance, Jesus said “You are not welcome to any churches, you may do father business as usual.” So I left.

A letter to church.

I would not know how long I going to stay to attend this church regularly. Soon I will be hopping around many church, maybe visit this church once a blue moon like one to two months once on a Sunday service.

Pastor Rony Tan

Lighthouse Evangelism Woodlands

81 Woodlands Circle

Singapore 738909


Dear Pastor Rony Tan,

As you known, I recently come back to your church. I decided to serve in praise light, I went for an audition that Brother Rico worship manager and sister Girlie choir lead church staff need me to attend at least sword light or cell light regular and after a few months will arrange an audition again. I tell them I would like to attend cell light, so brother Rico told me he will tomorrow Monday morning go to church ask them to arrange.  Pastor Alan How called me tomorrow Monday morning that I said I make lighthouse Evangelism a home church so he arranged a cell group for me to attend.

After attended a few times, I decided to lead worship piano in cell group which I never done before. I done once played 4 songs and got some problem ask for their feedback. They said some songs are unfamiliar, the cell leader host upright piano was too far at the corner at the living room from them sitting. I asked for a list of songs, the cell leader gave me ten songs and I choose 4 songs, bring my portable keyboard to host cell leader house to play. A few days before the cell group, I send the audio recording in WhatsApp group for them to prepare for coming cell group meeting worship as new way just trying out that this second song is using auto play only need to press chords done on Casio keyboard 61 keys portable model ctk4400 cost about S$300 for new set. Before that I asked my cell leader about the audio recording he finds ok. I did not attach audio recording in this letter so you want can ask Brother Rico as send to his e-mail or cell leader.

audio recording

The first song is ok a bit. But second song one brother sing very loud out of rhythm then I cannot auto play on keyboard well. Third song and last song he does that again so I cannot play well. Second song auto play is less time spend to prepare easier for me to play compare to the rest of three songs using manual piano way of playing. I went home called my cell leader over the phone a few mins to told him can tell in the cell group sing loud can but if out of rhythm can sing softer so can I can sing out to lead worship. He said cannot be done as people or someone will feel hurt. He finds people able to sing out loud and proper. So, A few days I decided and inform the cell leader I decided to left cell group due to this issue. I Had informed Brother Rico I left the cell group so not need to come for anymore audition for praise light no need to wait for me and also church camp in Malacca to withdraw due to not able to serve in praise light ministry. He called my cell leader and after that he told me two things, cell leader said piano or keyboard worship not conducive in this house and no one is singing loud.  

That make me even not going to serve in any ministry, and even visit another cell group to attend regularly so not making lighthouse evangelism my home church now after heard these two issues.

Another update. My mental illness condition is improving. Last few months I see psychiatrist she said I did not hear voices for a few years after asking me some of my symptoms if I had. Since I said I need medication so that I will not think so much bad things about people in work to resign very fast but going for long stable income she said I not suffering schizophrenia but bipolar disorder instead. Last few days on Thursday I went for follow up appointment, she checks on my symptoms and said since I work for few years already I may not need medication at all as work no stress stable income which maybe just mood disorder or simply mood problem. She reduced my medication half hopefully see me next year no need medication but yearly see her once just for review. Unless soon I change my job now contract to perm job more stress than have to take back medication. I ask her I have stable job, good family support but why church got so much problem you cannot help me as psychiatrist. She said is it that I go big church less problem but small church more problem. I told her it is not like that, just that if I go church without much interaction with people I can stay in church very long, just that once church tell us to go small group or serve ministry to interact a lot with few known people I have a lot of problem and left church going many churches. She said church in nature have many problems she cannot help any.

Final update, I met some lady for first time dating in online websites. Hopefully can find love and get married like two to three years from now. Since year 2004, I come first time to lighthouse Evangelism Woodlands as the church new building just started using. I know it from church flyer received at my house door step so visit it. Till now, my family all Taoist non-believer never come to any church since I become Christian. But last week Sunday afternoon service 3.15pm I managed to bring first person to lighthouse evangelism who I date her recently got from online web sites and stay through all the way even Pastor Pacer is praying for people at the altar at the end of service. She is Buddhist from Malaysia and want to go church with me as she never goes church before. I told her going church will make you a Christian. She said do not want to become Christian. Saturday miracle service she is in Johor. But Sunday service I told her church will ask you fill in welcome card so church will contact you so you need to handle if you told them you are not Christian, she said no need to let church knows she come first time. After the service end, we did not meet up the pastor to welcome her to church for first time. She said she like Christian songs just now in service like pop songs, but I do not think she refers to my loud singing being well properly sung. But I sing, pray, speak in tongue loud does not mean I more spiritual, just that maybe I attend music lessons in singing causing it used to loud. She said message preach was quite practical she understood some. But we broke off shortly a few days ago due to she told me she pregnant. Baby was last time boyfriend who broke off recently a month plus ago as he had baby with another lady. She wants to be single mother and keep the child.  

This letter is for your info and sharing. Reply is only needed if you able to solve that previous cell group issue to come back or visit another cell regular to make it home church again. Not look into lead worship in cell using any musical instrument as I know keyboard piano or a bit guitar, may cause more problem. I not against using YouTube if cell leader or group prefers, or pray hard for another musician come soon.


City Harvest appeal verdict: Six church leaders get reduced jail terms, Kong Hee gets 3½ years



SINGAPORE – A three-judge panel meted out reduced jail sentences for six City Harvest Church (CHC) leaders on convictions of criminal breach of trust and falsification of accounts on Friday morning (April 7).

Church founder Kong Hee will have to spend 3½ years behind bars, in the high-profile case involving the misuse of millions in church money to fund the pop music career of his wife.

He had originally been handed an eight-year jail term in November 2015. His wife, Ms Ho Yeow Sun, whose racy music videos and lavish lifestyle had attracted controversy, did not come to court with him on Friday.

Kong, 52, together with five other church leaders, were found guilty in 2015 of varying charges of criminal breach of trust and falsification of accounts, after a marathon 142-day trial that started in 2013.

The other five are deputy senior pastor Tan Ye Peng, 44; former CHC finance managers Serina Wee, 40, and Sharon Tan, 41; former CHC finance committee member John Lam, 49; and former CHC fund manager Chew Eng Han, 56.

Like Kong, all five had their jail terms reduced after the court, in a split decision, allowed their appeals against conviction and found them guilty of a less serious charge of criminal breach of trust.

Tan Ye Peng originally got 5½ years’ jail. He now has to serve three years and two months.

Chew originally got six years. He now has to serve three years and four months.

Wee originally got five years. She now has to serve 2½ years.

Lam originally received three years. He now has to serve 1½ years.

Sharon Tan originally received 21 months. She now has to serve seven months.

All six have requested for deferment before they start their jail terms.

They had channelled $24 million from CHC’s building fund into sham bonds in music production company Xtron and glass-maker Firna. The money was in fact used to fund the Crossover Project, a church mission to evangelise through the music of Ms Ho.

Later, another $26 million was used to cover up the sham bond investments.

Delivering their ruling, the judges said it is a situation which involved no personal gain on the appellants’ part. They believed that their acts, especially in sham investments, would advance the interest of the church. They accepted that the Crossover project was genuinely endorsed by the church, “even if it was not 100 per cent”.

“None of the appellants could be said to have benefited, and their fault lies in adopting the wrong means,” said the judges.

Kong, fingered as the key man behind the scandal, got the heaviest sentence.

The judges agreed that his overall culpability is the greatest and he provided the overall direction and moral assurance. He also instilled the confidence in the Crossover Project and his wife Sun Ho’s success in the US.

He was one of the main players if not the main player who set the direction in the sham charges, said the judges. His role as the spiritual leader and the breach of trust should be reflected in his sentence, they added.

His lawyer Edwin Tong told reporters: “He (Kong) has told me that he is disappointed with the outcome in terms of the conviction not being overturned.” But he appreciates that the judges said they were acting in the interest of the church, he added.

In November 2015, the six were handed jail terms ranging from 21 months to eight years in what prosecutors called the largest case of misuse of charitable funds in Singapore history.

The prosecution appealed for longer jail terms. The six also appealed, asking for their convictions to be overturned and for shorter jail terms.

The appeals were heard over five days in September last year.

On Friday, the court – Judge of Appeal Chao Hick Tin, and Justices Woo Bih Li and Chan Seng Onn – delivered their verdict in a packed courtroom. Members of the public started queuing up to get a seat in the courtroom as early as 1am.

City Harvest appeal: Kong Hee’s sentence reduced to 3.5 years


  • Posted 07 Apr 2017 09:59
  • Updated 07 Apr 2017 10:24

(Clockwise from top left): Tan Ye Peng, Kong Hee, John Lam, Chew Eng Han, Sharon Tan and Serina Wee. (Photo: Ngau Kai Yan)

SINGAPORE: City Harvest Church founder and senior pastor Kong Hee has had his prison sentence reduced to three years and six months from eight years, while the other five leaders also had their sentences reduced. 

The six were in court on Friday (Apr 7) to hear the outcome of their appeal against both their conviction and sentences after being found guilty in October 2015 of misappropriating about S$50 million of church funds.

Former fund manager Chew Eng Han had his six-year sentence lowered to three years and fourth months, while deputy pastor Tan Ye Peng had his original five-and-a-half-year sentence cut to three years and two months. 

Former finance manager Serina Wee Gek Yin’s original five-year sentence was halved to two years and six months, and former finance committee member John Lam Leng Hung’s three-year sentence was similarly halved to one year and six months. 

Former finance manager Sharon Tan Shao Yuen had her 21-month jail sentence lowered to seven months. 

Friday’s hearing was the culmination of a five-day appeal heard in September last year by a three-judge panel, including Judge of Appeal Chao Hick Tin and Justices Woo Bih Li and Chan Seng Onn.

After the revised sentences were announced, Kong, Lam, Chew, Tan and Wee all asked for their sentences to commence after two weeks, and the court agreed.

Sharon Tan had asked to defer the start of her sentence by two months, as her family is relocating overseas in June and she wants to help her children adjust to the move. The court agreed to this, too. 


The City Harvest case is unprecedented. The S$50 million taken from the mega-church’s coffers is the largest amount of charity funds ever misappropriated in Singapore.

The money was used to bankroll the secular music career of the pastor’s wife Sun Ho, without the knowledge of the congregation which is made up of tens of thousands of worshippers who had donated the millions of dollars to the church.

The case is unprecedented also because the millions were “replaced” through a series of sham investments and shady transactions, and the church ultimately suffered no financial loss.

“If this is the largest amount going out the door, it is also unprecedented in that it is the largest amount coming back,” Kong’s lawyer Jason Chan had said. 

Still, the actions of Kong and the five co-accused were criminal – they effectively took City Harvest Church’s funds into their own hands to use as they pleased, despite them being plainly not authorised to do so, a judge had said.

Although the congregation largely supported Sun Ho’s secular music career – through the church’s Crossover Project which aimed to use her music to evangelise – they had no idea that they were footing the bill.

A total of S$24 million of church funds diverted into sham investments was used to bankroll Ms Ho’s budding career and extravagant lifestyle. Another S$26 million of church funds was used to cover up the first amount to fool auditors and to conceal the fact that money from the church’s building fund – a restricted fund set aside for building-related expenses – had been used for an unauthorised purpose.

I got Certified in MCSA Server 2012 by passing three exams.

mcsa_winserv12_blkToday I done my third last exam and finally passed. This third exam I failed twice and this timeI study the same 3 times compare to one time in last time retake this same exam. First exam in July this year failed. So I retake in start Sep this year and passed. Second exam passed the first time. I brought the Microsoft booster pack for 3 exam with 4 retakes and practical test each of them included for USD$225 each so is total USD$675 which is about over S$940.

Next year Jan may seek my company for approval to take another year of contract training grant up to 1k per year to go for part time night course in CCNA routing and switching, then once completed use my pocket money to go exam. 

I completed the course MCSA Server 2012  in 3 months ended 1 July 2016 part time night course and assessment done with homework in school last week Friday in school in order to claim the government grant for subsided course fee.

renewal for a year job contract and pay raise.

The letter from HR come in quite late. My previous job contract ended 05 Aug 2016, but I only receive letter in 12 Aug 2016 Fri evening which dated 05 Aug 2016. There is a pay increment of over 3% plus and extend for another year contract with a completion a month bonus of previous contract credit in next month pay roll. I had been working for 2 years 5 months which my pay increased three times as 5 months job contracted completed also increase pay. So on average quite close to 5% increment. This is due to bad economic growth this year which my boss told me he is a perm staff this year no increment except mine is on contract under client costing.

I decided not to serve In church ministry.

So I went to open house as previous post I call the church to ask for more enquires. The timings are rather long. At start I will be put under probation 3 to 6 months to join choir ministry which have to come every Saturday for practice and rehearsal from 1.30pm to 5pm plus. If I show some improvement I will be out of probation to serve in 7pm Saturday miracle service. Then I will be on roster for fortnightly like Saturday 1.30pm to 5 plus, then dinner then 7pm Saturday miracle service plus next day Sunday continuous for 9pm and 11.15pm services. I ask What about the services in Sunday afternoon 3.15pm no choir but support singers. She said that the support singers will not be train by her in the choir but under a pastor normally selected from choir if they serve long enough and good. So I do not have too much time I decided to call off the audition not to join church choir to serve in ministry. My vocal teacher knows about this later on and said the timing is also too much for this church.

Should I serve in church ministry?

I had just attended last Saturday church ministry open house which is lighthouse evangelism at woodlands Singapore.  Before that one week ago last Sunday  22 May 2016 I heard about the announcement of church open house ministry called WOW stands for worship, operations, works of arts as previously was known as music and drama department, so I approach the counter after the service.

So a church staff who she is in charge of choir told me that just sign up for the ministry even I told her that I would want to know the schedule as I am very busy and sure crash many time cannot serve at all. She said that the schedule can be arranged. So I sign up hand written on the paper by leaving my name and contact which ministry I want to serve which is both choir and musical instrument. As the handwriting is not very clear, I went to church web site online to register as choir as only can select one then put in musical instrument played is piano. One day later the church called me up at night after my Monday night class that I sign up for choir need audition so can come for open house first.

As I attended open house, I seen all the ministry which they explain what they do, but they do not tell me exactly what is their schedule to serve clearly enough. As I have piano lessons weekly Sunday 1pm and Saturday 4pm vocal lessons, I could not have time to serve, especially in weekend I sleep in the morning wake up almost noon or even later Saturday and Sunday as weekday work the whole day. Unless I can give up my music lessons even both of them to serve in church ministry as you cannot excepted me to cancel music lessons often that both private lessons are quite flexible compare to music school.

After the open house, the ministry head will contact me next week which is this week for follow up, maybe I would ask the schedule before arrange for audition. I think is very unlikely for me just go for audition to be accepted first or reject as my schedule most likely will not work out. I cannot except ministry head to contact me telling me to go audition first later a few days if contacted to be accepted then talk later about the schedule to fit mine right?




About Letter to Lighthouse Evangelism for Saturday Miracle Service on God Healing.

I had been thinking about should I post it in my blog for quite a few weeks about this issue after I send out a letter to this church. But seems they have video streaming online on their Saturday miracle service so I had been watching a bit for a few weeks, some testimony shared on stage. Since I believe given sufficient time like a few weeks for them to do a bit of adjustment but they did not try to correct it, then I would post it here. I believe miracle service have many ideas and way of sharing it rather than this way.

21 Feb 2016 Sun

Senior Pastor Rony Tan

Lighthouse Evangelism Woodlands 

81 Woodlands Circle Singapore 738909


Hi Pastor Rony

This letter is writing about your church bulletin today Healing of Hyperthyroid and High Blood Pressure for next week Saturday miracle services to be preach. It had been a concern to me for many years for these kind of healing testimony similarly being talk about in many churches. Of course almost all medical treatment will have different side effect whether is light or heavy that you have to overcome it to lead a happy active life. If God promise that you get healing easily simply attending miracle service and go back pray mediate on God words, then I would like to say it is a cheap grace if shared out on the stage it is not very edify. And if this kind of testimony used on others that medical treatment does not help much reduce it or no need to have it anymore, it will cause much serious problem not able to enjoy happy active life. I recommend such kind of testimony can keep it to yourself no need to share in stage. But I have no right to control if this continue on.

On previous letter dated 22 Dec 2012 request to resign from your church membership to Pastor Colin which church had send reply that my membership was removed from church roll, till now it had been a right decision which I think. I put an excuse that I attend New creation church is I worried the church think I left church and nowhere to go church, I will turn cold to God and church will be sadden. Right now I do not have a home church to go for a very long time and not going to find a home church now as not needed. I was water baptize in City Harvest Church for a purpose of making it as my home church but after that I had many problem and left the church.

I hope the church will have a better testimony to share like battling illness to be recovered or getting a little better even to enjoy happy active life like God had given you a doctor which is Jesus and medical treatment which is Holy Spirit. In this case SATAN will say Good and left you which is winning the battle with devil. Testimony like Reducing to avoid doctor and medical treatment are cheap meaning become loser and if really God give you a miracle not too good to ask people follow God in this way. And if really God works in miracle in such a cheap way then can ask Government no need to invest in medishield life give us money better as most of the different faith God will heal miracle no need medical treatment.

Another reason why I resign church membership after one year is I not serving in any ministry even regularly attending cell group at that time. Plus I do not practice tithing so serve no purpose to keep the membership. I treat it as visitor to go church right now. I do not follow your church teaching too well. At start I going church to learn about Jesus and Holy Spirit. Once I have both with God I can be on my own no need to attend church regularly as normally people like me suffering from Schizophrenia a chronic illness long time ago till now does not get along with any brother and sister well for long. Like going learn driving passed got license as got Jesus and buy a car as got Holy Spirit but need to obey traffic rule in order to drive.
