Author: admin

God Salvation and Secret in Heaven

You can see my YouTube Video in my channel at the top left side menu or go to

Can be Rewards, Eternity in Heaven. Gen 3:1, God created the serpent, so the Sins come to the world. Serpent is not from evil which I or you can be misunderstood by it. If no sin, holy scripture would not exist and perfect. God is perfect does not mean He will give us 100 percent all good. Ultimately, once we reach heaven to be perfect in the end.

As explained before in John 3:16 and in verse 17, the word might be used does not mean we are saved to go heaven, no good deeds overall or did nothing will be in hell. Main point will be your overall good deeds. Why I got this revelation is because in my blog written I picked up some litter you all thanks me for keeping the church clean but next month end up more rubbish left behind that Jesus is angry with me why am I picking up rubbish in the first place. Rubbish was created after the holy communion.

We do not normally Lie, but if you Lie and overall is good deeds you will be in heaven. As I read in Rev 20,21,22 it mentions about book of life in chapter 20 verse 12, rewards will be given accordingly to what we had done in chapter 22 verse 12 and in verse 14 got mention about washing of Rob to go heaven. Rewards does not mean there is big or small rewards as holy scripture does not state, can read Mat 25:14-30 The Parable of the Talents, all will have eternality in heaven even the rewards are different. Likewise, if you gamble responsible, you can be a good steward of money but best not to do it and I cannot show you example how to do small bet.

Therefore, people who commit crimes like stealing or misuse also the same meaning maybe once or more, turn a new leaf featured on television also can go heaven. Of course, if you destroy life like drug trafficking, murder if own self suicide also the same, will not go heaven as God love all, he does not condemn anyone unless he owns self-overall doing evil deeds causing it.

You can watch a video on church preaching for 3 hours from Sarawak blessed church, about why preacher lie, but not all things can follow as church says, please use some common sense. They worship by knee down sings 4 different languages. (768) 2022-07-31 主日第二堂 – 比尔.威尔森牧师特会 – YouTube

Lastly, God created the world in Gen 1:1 from day 1 to 6 and rested on 7th day to enjoy the works that he had done, like if you study music in general, there is A B C D E F G, G is God, also Good, also Grace to do good works for God which is what grace revolution is about. Like Work a lot then rest to enjoy a lot like Baby born to learn work then become old to retire this kind. Not first to rest a lot or a bit to get increase a lot. God rested on day 7 like us to be able to do greater better works later to start a new week.

What is good deed meaning?

If you google about it, you can know the meaning as my screenshot below. Is not so simple like Come to Jesus and he will forgive all your sin(s) . Like if you lie in some situation, to save the people or person lead into doing good works is great. But of course we should not lie normally.

Thanks for the God word preached

This is the responses that my previous post uploaded some video in my YouTube channel my experiences feeling for the summary of my thoughts, some attachment of God words I taken down when preacher preached in church services as bottom.

These few weeks I had been sending some e-mail to you and I will take a break will not be spamming these kind of e-mail as got nothing much to say. But thanks anyway for the God words preached last weekend. In my YouTube channel if you had notice and following this would be my first time say about God words the most view in a short time got some likes and some negative comments. Of course as a grown up adult I do not tend to response too much and be bothered by it compare to when I was younger as I already mention God love everyone even if you believe him or not. There is no POFMA issue or harmful content.
As many people had said about knowing the bible in overall context, I had screenshot the bible verse. In fact John 3:16 was not meant to be a salvation message, as God never also condemn anyone too since he love everyone. People are being condemn because of their deeds were evil, not because they very hardworking, or they got some success and miracle, or did not believe in him. Even those who are doing good deeds and unbeliever does receive the light too as in verse 17 as the word “might” used and is not “only”.
Of course I did not stop any churches from practicing saying sinner prayer and got response(s) to be saved, or doing spiritual warfare to cleanse them by laying of hands praying and so on. I hope that the churches will get their priority rights to preach the correct God words even though saying sinner prayer and or doing spiritual warfare to serve ministry.
Even in the old testament there is already some message about salvation and the Lord. Maybe in the old testament you may have your favorites like Moses parting the red sea and so on, what so different about new testament in Jesus is that he is the only God who come to earth trying to tell us the correct message and ways of living, but people could not understand. So it is really about the the overall life we done, if overall are good deeds we are in the book of life explain in Rev chapter 20 then 21 to 22.
Some other faith or other churches may have done a mistake to misuse funds like a few thousands dollars got into prison, that does not make people doing more evil deeds. Like if you study classical music, G key will end up G notes normally, a major key normally is a happy song and a minor key end up a sad song. Like if you watch movie somebody thinking might as well watch the end part better or drama last part. So the key verse of John 3:1-21 is normally at the end verse 21 to focus on, like last weekend message preached Mat 5:1-12 for verse 12 about rewards in heaven. 
So We should be experience God like Jesus for example come down on earth to the fullest to enjoy daily more and more by doing good deeds. No need to have a big ministry giving out foods and drink to the needy, can be a simple one like help a bit those around you love them also good. Like a new born baby, if fed bad content do evil deed to grow up as knew nothing from start.

Sun suntec city harvest church 15may22 service Notes

About some 4K video uploaded recently and God words

This is my first time I uploading 4K video, do not know how clear can it be as well as using new audio setup, and some updates regarding God speaking to me in these 3 video. You can visit my youtube channel on the link in my blog as above or

I using Logitech Camera like over 200 bucks 4K video that I got 2 sets, as well as older Logitech camera over 100 bucks Full HD. I find that windows in windows 4K video need the video camera in 4K for both, so I buy 2 sets same model and brand as trying Full HD different types in smaller windows keep lagging for USB web camera.

Lastly, the USB sound mixer fully digital seems not easy to setup, if the power plug directly from laptop USB normal port, the power drawn is not enough to function properly. You will need a proper USB power like original power adaptor come with it or some power bank will work properly, to prevent sound going off and on after a few moments of using it to create some noise. Also if the sound recording some out of sync with video recording will need to power off and on the digital sound mixer back wait for a minute or simply restart the whole system so that it will be in sync.

About my progress of my life.

I send out some company about my CV and in a week got some job offer. Pay is a bit higher and is nearer my house traveling time is half of what it is benefit is less a bit. Is still a network engineer role in a small company but in another government project. Things there is currently very mess up and I worked over 2 months plus I also not sure how, Maybe if I resign after 3 months then serve a month notice take a short break to find another job again.

Also I added two new link as on the top left, one is about my old stuff for sales and past job experiences.

About my life moving on.

Well we reached end of the year. As you had notice, I did not post much about other people stuff. There is two post this year taken down due to posting of my family stuff which they are uncomfortable with recently. So after this incident I had made decision that marriage is for me and my love one got nothing to do with family. As me a Christian there is no point having a banquet as my love one is not a Christian to do church wedding. I need to find a simple job next year to do save up a bit like a few years to buy a small house in remote area. I should be standing up on my own try not to depend on my family much, my family of course can have their wish how much to give me. Marriage is not for show, so if I really getting married, maybe just a simple ceremony with one or two table to witness my marriage, my family, one mum side family and one dad side family, plus my love another one or two table will do.

I just resigned from my job worked for a year.

Well this is the first time I resigned in slighty less than a year, which I submitted my resignation in my company HR system. My lead did not even text me to ask how am I or call me to show some care, why I resigned did I found a job. Simply approved in two working days. This is so far the first time I encountering this since I started working in full time like year 2007. The reason I put was health, too many demand and e-mail cannot cope well with the stress. Mid of last month my colleague suddenly go Hospital leave since Monday 15 Nov 21. I asked my team what happened to her, no one knows. I just took one day leave on Mon 15 Nov 21 as was having staycation with my girlfriend on Sat for 2 nights. So on 30 Nov 21 my project manager in afternoon called me up to amend whole of last month time sheet to another project code as I given new project code in month of Oct 21 to use from 1 Nov 21 as he said felt sorry she took so much hospital leave should not charge too much money to my client as another project left some money there to deduct from it. So 1 Dec I submitted my timesheet using the new project code from 1 Nov manually to my client for approval as yesterday told by my project manager say can proceed and any claim under this new project code also. So Friday 03 Dec morning I send reminder to my client to approve my timesheet and also asking him when is he free to talk as I changing project so my company may need to find a new replacement for my position next year asking what he think as some difficulty working here. He read my message shortly did not call me or reply me at all. So afternoon still did not approved my timesheet as he never take so long to approve all the while this whole year I working with this project under him. I called up my project manager again and he told me my colleague just got pregnant will give birth in next year april. I was shocked told him I did not know she was married as I come in end of last year she still single. He also said she just got married but need to keep a secret about she got pregnant cannot tell anyone. I do not know what to do, did not ask her about this as can be sensitive to her also. So Monday 06 Dec evening I finished my work then tender my resignation on system. Last day is Wed 05 Jan 22 which is so happened my family won a big sweep in Jan 21 fall on first week Wed also as my First day should be 08 Dec 20.

Compare to last time I working in same government organization but different project as that one is more on end user computing doing imaging hardware software testing hardening script GPO for 4.5years left mid 2018. There is a lot problem working in this team and project compare to last time there lasted 4.5 year left due to completed contract cannot jump to another agency doing same project as no approval from my previous company stated clearly in job offer letter.

Well the people in the team does not have proper knowledge about network basically. For example, I handle one network request and was approved in 2018, some servers now cannot work to connect so asked me to look at it. In the first place, the network request source was put a subnet of IP addresses a whole range which can basically put thousands of server there and destination of course one IP address. Since there is a few servers there from source, just put a few server ip address with hostname will do as a source not a whole subnet. Secondly, as I do not have network diagram did not request too much to see the whole infra as they said is confidential, so no knowledge how big is the subnet in this vlan. Maybe the actual subnet is just a half of class C which can go up one hundreds plus servers or IP addresses instead of putting in the network request subnet for thousands of IP addresses. So I see the routing table to trace that few IP addresses as login to my firewall just got my system administrator status after a few months from my first day, question my senior engineer is in house staff as basically I just a contractor why one matched routing subnet was put as class C so small than one thousands plus IP address bigger subnet, he told me no need put so big as they will never use so many IP addresses. Also I asked my Principal engineer also in house staff to come help me see, so he asked me how I trace. I show him my routing table and point to that routing, he used subnet calculator to see if I trace correctly. Very clearly, I can start not to trust him anymore as he using subnet calculator for such a simple task as he had no basic knowledge of network. I do use subnet calculator but very rare, unless is a complex network for finding or planning. He done some check on his equipment and told me is user issue asked them to check their side. I replied e-mail attaching my firewall logs in GUI said out cannot see traffic but in can asking other team to trace this route. So next hop IP addresses the other team ask me to check my team what is that equipment. I asking my team again got no info so replied honestly speaking I tried my best to ask my team got no info about this IP address did not dare to say does not belong to my team equipment. Also there is another network request got approved but I found out got typo error as cannot find the IP address too obvious less a digit send back. They ask me process the rest and that one they will correct it submit approval again so I completed their request. Basically the approval is normally a scholar. I thinking they got scholar by simply singing praises and lie at the same time as no network knowledge at all.

I was also handling VPN equipment. My team had 7 contract staff, handle two different network. I and my colleague who took long hospital leave handle a smaller network, the 5 contractors handle another bigger network but report to different company not same as me. If if one was away left 4 of them they can distribute work load compare to me one man in an island handle everything till I resigned also even handled some part of her e-mail gateway. So he work as contractor over 2 years, I observe him that his english is not that good can ask me how to reply sometimes to others in e-mail. He cannot read the client VPN logs to understand some of it well. So where there is network unstable issue sometimes will disconnect client will send in VPN logs. His network is affected and mine also to check. I checked mine from the logs clearly shown is the wifi disconnected a few seconds and reconnected back after that so VPN reconnect again so end user problem not my equipment and network problem send e-mail ask him to reply user like that. He argue cannot reply like that will piss them off made the issue worsen. He check his network said to me they pull out the smart card causing VPN disconnected, asked him to check if logs can see but he could not find it.

So in staff conference only inhouse staff all of them are invited. I need to monitor their network performance hopefully no issue as a few thousands connect mostly via VPN as work from home so I hear it. I was sadden that they mention money a few times as it gathered the most likes among many question, in this period of covid19 they should not mention this so openly should take this offline speak to their direct boss or HR instead. If this is recorded and my country Prime Minister heard it, is a shame to the whole country. Many people loss job and many pay cut. Minister announced last year they took no pay leave for 3 months at least, they can choose to do nothing, instead they serve the nation and fight covid19 with us together. This is my highest pay job over 5K monthly. Last time I work in end user computing left in 2018 pay was 3.5K monthly SGD. Next year I not sure what job I can find, maybe 4K or lower. I had been feedback I do not have much soft skill need to be soft with my client as they paid my service, hence I cannot become like Lead or manager to handle even one staff not just a team under me well to work. Also this company also said got feedback I slow in my work to catch up well from my client, need to do performance review as I worked close to a year as they no info about my work in 03 Dec 21 Friday afternoon phone call, but I resigned after that.

I just converted to perm from contract job.

After I work about 3 months plus, I was offered a perm job converted from contract job. So End June this year I started my perm job but project is the same no change. Received pro rata completion bonus and some increase in basic wages. Benefit will be more like leave. Will be finishing my probation soon this month end for 3 months.

Previous post of my blog is not myphp, is mysql to mysqli. Anyway, about the tithe or give 10 percent to church they said from bible got blessing is false that causing covid19 to happened, I do not wish to comment much.

My port folio some scripting issue is resolved.

Since last year mid, I moved this blog to another webhost, find that my port folio some scripts are not working. It is due to myphp function is already end of life which I did not update since before last year had received some error logs. Now I change to newer function myphpi and is working. This port folio is about a web site that I done during my higher diploma days major in web development in 2013. It is located at and admin login where now can login as function updated to myphpi spend 4 hours in username is abc password is 123. Source code to download is